Immortal Diaries Review

Immortal Diaries Review

Immortal Diaries is a mobile-only game published by HoaPlay Limited. While it’s considered just a role-playing game, I consider it an interesting Frankenstein between a mobile RPG and a typical dress-up

It has the busy work of most mobile RPGs like gathering resources and leveling up followers, but there is something about this one that’s different. Putting aside the annoying busy work that a lot of app games like to give, this game has a storyline that actually makes it worthwhile.

There are many romance/dress-up games out there but most have lackluster characters or have a lot of predatory and problematic behavior littered in them. This one, for the most part, does not.

Plus, this game has something very rare for its type, voice acting, and decent voice acting at that. Strictly comparing to other dress-up games I consider its clothes options only just above average. For most everyday players the clothes options are probably fine, but for someone who enjoys alt and odd fashion, most of the clothes don’t fit the bill. Immortal Diaries has a lot of gorgeous gowns and old-fashion clothing. I do wish there were more skin color options as this game only gives you three choices. Another thing that isn’t up to par is the hair choices, there are very few with thick, kinky, or in general black hairstyles.

Now onto the part everyone really cares about, the men. To keep it short, all but one of the men don’t engage in toxic behavior (with a few exceptions) and they all look good. That aforementioned one that’s toxic is Adrian and I honestly can’t stand him but he’s put there for a reason I suppose.

All in all, it’s a free game so why not give it a try? Especially if you like stories and romance. They also make it easier for those who don’t cough up money to play, they provide a lot of free ways to gather resources that aren’t incredibly tedious like for example, Raid Shadow Legends. Plus, the art style is lovely, with every person and background looking like they’ve been painted.

Immortal Diaries is available for iOS and Android.



Overall rating

Fun Factor
Responsive Controls
Easy to Learn
The good
  • Voice acting
  • Decent story
The bad
  • Boss fights scale way too quickly
About author


I am the creator of Vamp Plays and I enjoy gaming and creating content.