Cult of the Lamb Review

Cult of the Lamb Review

Cult of the Lamb is a part rogue game and part simulation game where you build up your cult and gain
more power. I particularly enjoy how they added the rogue elements for this game. Your storyline,
progress, and cult aren’t part of the rogue segment of the game so those who don’t like rogue games
will most likely not be bothered by it in this game.

The rogue element comes when going into “dungeons” to complete objectives or further the storyline.
Each time you enter the same dungeon you start with a random weapon and spell. The enemies, room
layout, and paths you can choose also are randomly generated. It keeps the game fresh and fun every
time you go out to slaughter heretics.

Personally the find this game incredibly fun and well… cute. The lamb you play is adorable and so are all
of your followers. I appreciate that you can customize them upon indoctrination and that there are so
many different types of them. The fact that the characters are sweet looking makes the game all the
more fun when you are killing, sacrificing, and doing all sorts of heinous things.

Speaking of cute the graphics of the game are lovely. The color choices are great, everything looks as though it could have been
drawn or painted and the lamb’s face animations are to die for.

In general, the game is quick and easy to learn and I am enjoying it thoroughly but I do have a few
gripes with it. Being unable to collect things until your character knows you need them is annoying but I
think I know why they did it. This decision could make the game significantly easier for new players not
used to games like this. It makes it impossible to get overwhelmed or confused by all the items you
collect (unfortunately for me) restricting your ability to collect them until the time is right.

Unfortunately, at the time of writing, there is a big glitch that I hope they patch soon because I’ve had to start the game over three
times because of it. The glitch potentially happens when you complete objectives at camp. Once
complete the black fog at the entrance won’t let you leave camp. It’s impossible to get past and let’s hope
they patch it asap.

That aside is this game worth the price? Yes, but if I were you I’d wait a week for them to patch the
glitches causing people trouble.



Overall rating

Fun Factor
Responsive Controls
Easy to Learn
The good
  • Gives you a lot of freedom
The bad
  • Too easy to get stuck
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About author


I am the creator of Vamp Plays and I enjoy gaming and creating content.