Warframe for Switch file size revealed!

Warframe for Switch file size revealed!

The Nintendo Switch eShop has updated with some small but important details about the coming up Warframe. for the Nintendo Switch.

The free-to-play game will take up around 12.2 GB of memory. Additionally, the game will support Nintendo Switch Pro Controllers and Save Data Cloud Backups.

This may be a bit worrisome, as Warframe for PC as well as its PS4 and XB1 counterparts take up anywhere from 20-40GB. I suppose all we can do is hope that Warframe on the Switch will perform at least as good at the other to consoles mentioned above.

With that said, if Panic Button and Digital Extremes have figured out a way to reduce the games file size and keep it 100% playable by today’s standards I am all for it.

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I am the creator of Vamp Plays and I enjoy gaming and creating content.