Warframe Review

Warframe Review

Warframe is a free to play MMO-like loot and shoot type game that is still in beta at the time of this article.

Yes, I did say that it is in meta and it is, but it has been for the full 5 years it has been out. In fact, believe it or not, this game being in beta is its strong suit. The devs update this game more often than many devs update their games. The updates include new weapons and new characters a lot of the time. Heck, we are even getting a second open world like map added to the game.

Sadly though, the updates do tend to bring a lot of bug with them, but a lot of bugs get fixed sooner than later. I mean, the occasional bug does end up overstaying its welcome, but that sort of comes with the territory.

Warframe does actually have a pretty good story that gets add-ons added to it somewhat regularly. Actually, if I am being honest the lore in Warframe is some of the best lore you could ask for from a free to play game. If I had to complain about something it would probably be that every now and then a bit of the lore will get retconned due to plot holes that newer content makes.

As far as graphics go this game has some very good graphics. In fact, this game just got an update that updated the graphics not too long ago. What that said, I will admit that this game does suffer from some clipping issues, but they are not so bad as to make the game unplayable or anything like that.

The makers of this game (aka Digital Extremes) do seem to care about the community as a whole. In fact, they have a Partner Program that serves as a sort of bridge between the community and Digital Extremes.

Warframe is a game for PC, PS4, and XB1. It is also worth pointing out that the updates to the game do not happen at the same time. Mean that more often than not PC is on a more updated and buggier build vs the consoles (PS4, XB1) which are on a not as updated build, but more stable. PC updates do come to console over time though, so no worries there.

Here is an in-depth video review for Warframe:

  • Fun Factor
  • Responsive Controls
  • Easy to Learn
  • Plot
  • Graphics
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About author


I am the creator of Vamp Plays and I enjoy gaming and creating content.