How to Edit Gaming Videos for YouTube

How to Edit Gaming Videos for YouTube

It is no secret that gaming channels are some of the most common channels on YouTube, but what isn’t as commonly known is that gaming videos should be edited differently than videos on non-gaming channels.

This is due to the fact that the pacing is a bit different in a gaming video than say a technology reviewing channel or a vlogging channel. In fact, aside from audio, pacing may very well be the deciding fact in rather someone stays to watch your whole video or leaves before the 30-second mark.

With gaming videos especially, it is always a good idea to go back and watch some of your videos to see if you find them entertaining because if you don’t others may not either. With that said, however, the exception to this rule may be “How to do X” type gaming videos, as those are there to help someone with something in the game and not necessarily be entertaining.

Here is a guide on how to go about editing a basic gaming video:

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About author


I am the creator of Vamp Plays and I enjoy gaming and creating content.